Carex Evergold

CULTURAL & MAINTENANCE NEEDS: Carex 'Evergold' prospers in dappled sun or partly shaded sites with moist fertile well drained soil. Plants tolerate dry shade and clay. In sunny sites, this cultivar fares best if soil is consistently moist.

Does Carex Evergold spread?

Its slender foliage is creamy white to yellow with dark green, narrow edges. The color intensifies as the season progresses. It forms 15” x 18” mounds with an attractive, swirling habit. Often used as a ground cover, 'Evergold' will slowly spread via rhizomes, but it is not invasive.

Does Carex like sun or shade?

A versatile Carex that would grow in most gardens is palm sedge, Carex muskingumensis. It tolerates sun or shade, dry or wet. Beginner gardeners can't go wrong with this one. Its two feet tall, long-lived, and provides a fine-textured tropical contrast to broad-leaved plants.

Does Carex Evergold come back every year?

In areas with mild winters, Carex oshimensis is evergreen. In this setting, leave the foliage in place until springtime and then shear or mow to stimulate fresh growth. In areas where it may freeze, it's best to cut back the foliage before winter so it can grow back fresh in the spring.

Should Carex Evergold be cut back?

Plant Care These ornamental grasses are Evergreen: Comb or rake off any old, tired or dead leaves and flowers in spring. If needed evergreens can be cut back (by up to half) at almost any time from April to July. Do not cut back in autumn or winter.

Does Carex grass spread?

Native to rich wooded areas in eastern North America, Spreading Sedge can be used as an accent or ground cover in moist woodland gardens, shaded perennial beds or containers. It is a great choice for naturalizing since this species slowly spreads to form a fine-textured ground cover. Grows easily about 6-12 in.

Will Carex grow in full shade?

Carex pensylvanica fits shady sites perfectly as a ground cover or as base layer for taller perennials. Or, tuck it into mixed plantings as a filler. It's also increasingly popular as a no-mow lawn alternative for shade. Pennsylvania Sedge performs beautifully in our dry shade garden at the nursery.

Should Carex be cut back?

Answer: You can prune your sedges (Carex) to keep them within bounds. To do it, gather up the leaves in one hand and, using a pair of scissors, cut off the top third, including the long flowering stems. This will leave the plant arching out gracefully, but not trailing along the ground.

Do you need to cut back Carex grass?

Ornamental grasses are grouped into three categories: warm season, cool season, and evergreen. Some evergreen "grasses," including seges and carex, aren't really in the grass family, and these don't need pruning (though they can be divided if they get unruly).

Does Carex like wet soil?

Carex muskingumensis (Palm Sedge) thrives and forms colonies in wet conditions but can tolerate periods of dryness. It has feathery, palm-like foliage that resembles bamboo. It's happiest in the lower zones of a rain garden.

How much sun can Carex take?

Full sun to light shade, or high overhead shade. In California it is also known as Berkeley Sedge.

Why is my Carex grass turning brown?

Overwatering – allow time for the soil to dry between waterings. Too much fertilizer – instead of using chemicals, a fertilizer like Azomite that has trace minerals and vitamins, along with seaweed and kelp can help. Plants that are in pots – if the grass is root-bound, it can't absorb water from the soil easily.

Is Carex Evergold hardy?

Carex oshimensis 'Evergold' is an unconventional and hardy Sedge variety.

Is Carex winter hardy?

These will mostly need full sun but can take quite moist through to fairly dry soils. The limiting factor with most of these "dead sedges" with their evergreen (brown) leaves is that they are vulnerable to extreme cold in winter with many only hardy to -10oC.

What conditions do Carex like?

Preferred site. In its native environment, Carex comans is usually found in free-draining soils under scrub, tall forest or in relatively open vegetation. The species is tolerant of a wide range of conditions, except permanently waterlogged soils.

How long does Carex live?

This ornamental grass is relatively short-lived (3 to 5 years) although it may be rejuvenated through division. It will also re-seed under satisfactory conditions, which will allow for the replacement of older plants.

Do Carex have deep roots?

Each species has its own niche, so plant many kinds of native Carex to maximize these benefits. Sedges' grass-like leaf blades slow water movement, allowing time to clean the water, and their deep fibrous roots improve infiltration of water into the soil.

Can Carex Evergold be divided?

Divide cool season grasses in spring or early fall. Cool season grasses are actively growing in spring and fall. These grasses can be transplanted at either time of the year but early spring is probably the best time to divide.

Is Carex grass toxic to dogs?

Ornamental sedges (Carex species) Good for: Dogs.

How do you maintain Carex?

Sedge prefers a moist, well-drained soil with part shade. Very easy to maintain, Carex requires little if any feeding and in early spring, cut back by 1/3 or simply tease out dead blades to spruce up appearance. Division is best done in the spring.


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