Regal Shield Alocasia Flower

Alocasia is sometimes known as the Kris Plant, Elephant Ear or African mask plant. This unusual looking houseplant will produce flowers on occasion, but it's not brought for this reason.

Does Alocasia Regal Shield go dormant?

Keep in mind, that Alocasia Regal Shield will go dormant in the colder months. Although they may not lose all their leaves, they will stop growing and should be kept in slightly lower temperatures to enjoy their downtime!

Is Alocasia Regal Shield inflorescence?

Alocasia Regal Shield Flowering This Alocasia plant blooms in late spring to early summer. Alocasia Regal Shield bears less showy inflorescence that has a spadix and spathe. The inflorescence looks like a big flower from a distance. The spadix covers the spathe, while the spathe is white to pale-green in color.

How do you propagate Alocasia regal shields?

The Alocasia Regal Shield can be propagated in water because the roots receive the oxygen they need in water. However, ensure that the plant is not kept in direct sunlight as it may promote algae growth. Change the plant's water regularly and mildly fertilize it twice every month.

Should I let my Alocasia flower?

SHOULD I LET MY ALOCASIA FLOWER? I would recommend always cutting off your Alocasia inflorescences as soon as you spot them. What is this? The reason is that your plant will expend energy sustaining that growth, and most of us would rather redirect the plant's energy into foliage growth instead.

Do alocasias go dormant after flowering?

Your Alocasia will go through a dormant period in the winter months. During dormancy, keep your Alocasia in a warmer spot in your home. Reduce the frequency of watering but do not allow the potting mix to completely dry out. The plant will naturally come out of dormancy in the spring, when you'll notice new growth.

How big can a regal shield get?

About Elephant Ear Alocasia Regal Shield Their thick leaves can grow as much as five feet across and three feet wide. The Elephant Ear 'Regal Shields' needs lots of love and attention with bright indirect light, high humidity and consistent moisture. Toxic to pets if ingested.

Can Alocasia flower indoors?

Do Alocasia Flower Indoors? Some plants need to be close to or in their natural habitat to flower, while some can flower even in an indoor setting. Well, you are lucky when it comes to Alocasia. Although Alocasia has a higher chance of blooming in its natural habitat, it can bloom indoors if the conditions are right.

How big do Alocasia Regal Shields get?

About Alocasia Regal Shields I can grow between 5-6 feet tall and will add beautiful full, green look to your home. Here are some care instructions and tips that will be useful as I get acclimated to my new home and grow with you for many years to come.

Is Alocasia a red secret flower?

Under the right conditions, your Alocasia Red Secret will bloom. The flowers feature a spathe and spadix but are typically concealed by the leaves. The foliage is the real showstopper.

How do you pollinate Alocasia flower?

Since it is not self-pollinating, you must extract a small amount of the pistol (male) and mix it with a small amount of pollen. This pollen mixture is then introduced to the female portion of the flower. Using this method, you can also create different hybrid Alocasia plants by mixing pistols from another variety.

Should you mist Alocasia regal shield?

Alocasia Regal Shield requires high humidity levels to thrive. Misting is a fun and easy way to give this plant the humidity it needs. If misting does not prove to be enough, try placing a humidifier near the plant.

Where do you cut Alocasia flowers?

Slice through the fleshy stem at the base of any yellow leaves with a sharp, clean serrated knife. Often all leaves on the plant are damaged. If this is the case, cut back to the base of the plant, sawing through the base of the leaf petioles with your knife, leaving the green trunk above the bulb.

How do I get my Alocasia to grow more leaves?

If you want your plant to push out new leaves actively and produce the large leaves it is known for, then make sure the alocasia is in a spot where it can receive plenty of bright indirect light. The plant will survive but not grow as quickly when placed in an area with lower light levels.

Can Regal Shield Alocasia take full sun?

The regal shield needs up to 85% sunlight but not direct sunlight. You can grow your plant in indirect light, but please provide them with shade cloth as an outdoor plant.

What do I do with Alocasia buds?

Having removed the bulb(s), you can plant them directly into some well draining soil (preferably a little soil mixed with perlite and sand, or other loose and dry material). This is for the bulb not to rot when you water it, you'll just have to remember to water it quite frequently.

Should I cut off elephant ear flowers?

Cut back an elephant ear plant two or three days after the first killing frost when the foliage turns brown. Depending on the climate, this can happen anytime from late summer to midwinter.

Do Alocasia flowers smell?

The pale peach blooms possess a delightful fragrance that's exceptionally strong at night. Imagine a sultry summer night shadowed by massive, exotic leaves with a sweet scent wafting through the breeze.

Can you get seeds from Alocasia flower?

Do Alocasia elephant ears have seeds? They do, but elephant ear flower seeds are only viable a short time, so if you want to plant them, harvest the pods and use them as soon as possible. This article will help with what to do.

Do Alocasias like to be crowded?

Be aware that all parts of the Alocasia are poisonous if ingested. These plants like to be slightly under-potted for best foliage development. This means that they enjoy being a bit crowded in their container. When things get too overcrowded you can repot into a larger container with fresh new potting soil.


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